Those Who Touch Our Lives, Stay with Us Forever

Dr. Seemin Jamali – Tamgha e Imtiaz
Dr. Seemin Jamali, Executive Director (Retd), Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre, Karachi (JPMC) was a loyal friend of people with epilepsy. She encouraged and fully supported the NGO’s work at JPMC. Her support helped the National Epilepsy Centre grow and provide quality treatment to thousands of people with epilepsy. She was an integral part of all our activities, especially within the premises of JPMC. The NGO has lost a friend and sincere well-wisher.

Prof. Emeritus Hasan Aziz
Prof. Emeritus Hasan Aziz was a trailblazer of neurology and epilepsy campaign in Pakistan. His contributions towards neurology in general and epilepsy in particular, in Pakistan are voluminous. It was only due to the pioneering and singular efforts of Prof. Aziz that neurology was accepted as a speciality by the local postgraduate examining bodies. Thus, enabling the speciality to take root in Pakistan, and the beginning of locally trained and certified neurologists fulfilling a dire need in the country. Pakistan is placed successfully with a prominent position on the international map of epilepsy due to his perseverance and hard work along with his small team of neurologists and volunteer citizens.
Formally trained in Neurology in the UK by luminaries of the speciality; he turned down lucrative offers only to return to his homeland, with a vision and spirit of developing the field of neurology in Pakistan. On his return in 1969 he joined the Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC), Karachi, Pakistan’s oldest teaching hospital, as an Honorary Associate Physician. During his long and illustrious tenure at JPMC, he held various posts, including that of the Professor & Head of the Department of Neurology, Director of JPMC, Chairman Academic Council, JPMC and Emeritus Professor of Neurology, until he took his last breath. He singularly holds the distinction of being meaningfully associated with a prestigious teaching institution for 53 years.
Prof. Hasan Aziz had a special passion for epilepsy and those affected by it. It was a lifetime challenge for him to bring comfort to the lives of people with epilepsy and mitigate the stigma of this disease in Pakistan. Ever since 2001, he along with his motivated team, has been vigorously pursuing the agenda of public health awareness of epilepsy, endeavouring to provide near-home comprehensive epilepsy-care facilities and to train medical personnel in epilepsy management. His dream of establishing an iconic centre for people with epilepsy and providing holistic management with dignity has been fulfilled in the form of the National Epilepsy Centre, at JPMC. He served on several commissions, sub-commissions, and task-forces of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). He was awarded the ILAE-IBE Ambassador for Epilepsy Award, and the ILAE-CAOA Asian & Oceanian Outstanding Achievement Epilepsy Award for his unique services towards epilepsy in Pakistan.
Apart from Neurology, Prof. Hasan Aziz played a pivotal role in the development of many other areas of JPMC, including the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Labour and Theatre Complex and their OPD Block; Emergency Operation Theatres; Medical Unit II; the Najmuddin Auditorium, which revolutionized the academic culture of JPMC. He was able to execute these projects by engaging his social contacts to come to the assistance of the poor patients of JPMC, under the agency of his integrity.
He was a true scholar with a deep interest in literature, poetry and classical music/Qawwali. His seminal compilation and translation of Sufi poetry in the book entitled, Kalaam-e-Aarifaan, will continue to give for all times to come, just like all his other projects.
A gentle and caring human being, an excellent teacher, and a mentor par excellence. Even more so, he was a kind and generous human being, who left a mark on every soul whose life he touched.