
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

‘With permission of patients / immediate family members/guardians for exclusive use by National Epilepsy Centre for Awareness of Epilepsy’

Our Champions

Madeeha Sharif

Madeeha Sharif is a 32-year-old mentally disabled female who has been one of the most challenging cases to treat. When presented at National Epilepsy Centre (NEC) in 2013, she would have 200 plus tonic-clonic seizures per month. After various combinations of treatment, her monthly seizure frequency now ranges between 8 to 10, with distinct changes in seizure types. She now only gets disconnected for less than 15 seconds. Occasionally, she can have a sudden flurry of seizures with a change of emotions especially when she is happy and excited.

Zahid Mahmud Khan

Zahid Mahmud Khan, a 43-year-old with, a master’s in computer science with Certification in Human Resources and Development (Germany) is a resident of Hunza, Baltistan. He has had epilepsy for 30-plus years. He had sought medical help from numerous specialists in the country, but his seizures remained uncontrolled. At his first visit to NEC in 2017, he was depressed with suicidal ideations due to uncontrolled seizures, no job, and the thought of taking long-term medicines. On detailed history, the reasons for his uncontrolled seizures and associated psychiatric problems were assessed. He was recommended a suitable dose of anti-seizure medication, treated for his depression, and counselled about strict medicine compliance. He is seizure-free when he takes his medicines regularly in the recommended dosage. He visits us once in two years and is especially counselled at each visit for good compliance. He is leading a good life, has a job and has never had suicidal thoughts again. He now champions the cause of epilepsy in Gilgit-Baltistan, being highly motivated to help his local poor community with epilepsy with our help.

Ramza Ramzan

Ramza Ramzan aged 25 years, has a master’s degree in special education and is a teacher at ABSA School and College for the Deaf. She had never taken any treatment before, as she was having episodes of disconnection with auto-motor symptoms and behavioural change which the family considered to be stress-related. She never had a typical tonic-clonic seizure associated with epilepsy. On two occasions she had wandered off unknowingly to a neighbour’s house. Gradually her episodes increased in frequency occurring 3-4/day. These episodes were also noticed by her colleagues at work. On the recommendation of a relative being treated for epilepsy at NEC, she visited us and since the onset of treatment, she has had no seizures. 

Syed Mehboob Ali

Syed Mehboob Ali, 59 years old, has been treated for epilepsy at NEC since 2019. On his first visit to the centre, he was having clusters of seizures each month. His epilepsy started in his youth and for many years remained untreated as he was unaware that his seizures were a treatable medical condition. The first time he sought advice was from a NEC volunteer consultant working in a government facility. However, he was careless and non-compliant with his medicines due to financial reasons. He was referred to NEC for medical management and a strict check on his medicine compliance. After significant efforts and not losing patience and hope, he was made to realize the importance of medicine compliance. He has been seizure-free for three years with good medication compliance.

Waniya & Mohid Baig

Waniya & Mohid Baig aged 22 and 24 years respectively are mentally challenged siblings with epilepsy. They were being treated in the department of neurology of a tertiary-care public sector hospital. However, their epilepsy remained uncontrolled due to poor compliance because of the non-availability of medicines in the hospital and the non-affordability of medicines prescribed. The father was introduced to NEC by a staff member of the department. They have been under care at NEC since 2012 and have remained seizure-free with improved compliance.

Muhammad Kabeer

Muhammad Kabeer, a 56-year-old senior laboratory assistant in the Department of Pharmaceutics, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Karachi, has been under NEC care since 2009. With good compliance and an adequate dose, he soon became seizure-free. As per convention after some years of seizure freedom tapering of medicines was tried but he had a seizure. He was counselled that he required a small dose of medicines which must be taken regularly life-long to remain seizure-free. He is very compliant and visits us monthly for follow-up and monthly quota of his medicine.

Itrat Khan

Itrat Khan, a 42-year-old female, her 3 siblings and a paternal niece have epilepsy. All are being treated at NEC. Her one sister unfortunately passed away not due to epilepsy but due to dengue. Following her sister’s death, Itrat went into severe depression, refused to take any anti-seizure medicines, and lost the desire to live. She was counselled and to divert her mind and boost her morale she was offered the chance to join NEC as a helper receptionist. She was hesitant in the beginning as she had been dependent on her family and limited to the house because of her epilepsy. With encouragement from NEC doctors and her family, she took a step forward. With the help of NEC staff, she has changed. She is now a confident, hardworking, dedicated permanent member of Team NEC who is no longer dependent on her family. Her other family members with epilepsy are also seizure-free and living a decent quality of life.