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Your Help Will Make A Difference in the lives of
2.2 Million People with Epilepsy in Pakistan

With heartfelt gratitude, we thank our esteemed donors for their unwavering support in the fight against epilepsy. Your generosity forms the foundation of our mission, and we hold your contributions in the highest regard. We are committed to utilizing your support with integrity and transparency to positively impact the lives of those we serve.


Trust us to be custodians of your Zakat, where compassion meets compliance, creating a legacy of hope and healing. We ensure Shariah compliance under the vigilance of our respected Shariah Board, ensuring that your Zakat directly supports those in need. Your donations make a difference, offering a brighter future to those battling epilepsy.


Your contributions are a beacon of hope, guiding us towards improved care and enhanced quality of life for individuals with epilepsy. Your commitment not only sustains our programs and services but also ignites our determination to redefine the boundaries of epilepsy care. 


With your continued partnership, we are confident that we can create a brighter, more hopeful future for individuals living with epilepsy.


Join hands with the National Epilepsy Centre in this noble cause. Your help will make a difference in the lives of 2.2 million people with Epilepsy in Pakistan.
Donation/Zakat of any amount will be graciously accepted and acknowledged
For any additional information please contact: +92 310 0023558 or 
Your contributions can be collected right from your doorstep.
Call us on 03333597191 , 0310 0023558





Account Title: Neurology Research and Patient Welfare Fund
Account Number: 00 6500 1943 3903
IBAN Number: PK75 HABB 0000 6500 1943 3903
Bank: Habib Bank Limited, JPMC Branch
Address: Rafiqui Shaheed Road. Karachi 75510. Pakistan
Account Title: Neurology Research and Patient Welfare Fund
Account Number: 00 6500 1194 8603
IBAN Number: PK86 HABB 0000 6500 1194 8603
Bank: Habib Bank Limited, JPMC Branch
Address: Rafiqui Shaheed Road. Karachi 75510. Pakistan
Title: Neurology Research and Patient Welfare Fund
Easypaisa number 0310 0023558
NRPWF is a registered NGO under the Voluntary Social Welfare Agencies (Registration and Control) Ordinance 1961 DSW(360)-K. Contributions are tax exempted under sub-clause (c) of the clause (36) of section 2 of the income tax ordinance 2001 read with rules 212 and 220 of the income tax rule 2002 with FBR – National Tax Number (NTN) 1533406-6, Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy Certification No./2022/1092, Registered with Sindh Charity Commission & Shariah Certified.

Registrations & Certifications