
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789

One person caring about another
represents life’s greatest value

We have been extending quality services to our patients since 2007. This has only been possible through gracious Donations and Zakat contributions of our well-wishers, and we need your continued financial support to keep pursuing the cause we have undertaken.





Patient consultation and management cost
  • PKR 500,000/- estimated per month for three clinics
  • PKR 6,000,000/- estimated per annum for three clinics


Drugs are purchased and dispensed from National Epilepsy Centre, under stringent drug audit. We provide most of the first line and some second line anti-seizure medications.
  • PKR 1,500,000/- estimated per month
  • PKR 13,500,000/- estimated per annum
Note: Unprecedented countrywide inflation and unpredictable shortage in the market of the cheaper first-generation anti-seizure medicines carbamazepine & valproate has led to poor compliance resulting in break through seizures. To avoid this, patients need to be put on newer generation medicines, which are significantly expensive compared to first generation ones. This additional cost is estimated to increase our drug bank expense to Rs. 18,000,000/- per annum.


To provide quality services to patients with epilepsy and execute our mission to change the nation’s mind set towards them, our dedicated small team keeps all our projects up to date in accordance with rules laid by various charity governing institutes of Government of Pakistan for its smooth running.
  • PKR 320,000/- estimated per month
  • PKR 3,000,000/- estimated per annum


To spread awareness among masses nationwide, repetitive telecast of short epilepsy messages via social media and broadcasting channels is done. This has proven to be most the effective approach.
Telecast of a specially developed Epilepsy Documentary on national / regional language television channels.
  • Estimated cost for twice a day telecast for 30 days on a regional languages channel of                    Rs. 6,000,000/-.
  • Estimated cost of twice a day on main 03 popular channels of  Rs. 12,000,000/-.
 Note: This activity is highly dependent on the availability of sufficient funds.


Work on extending our diagnostic and management services and epilepsy research has been undertaken with the funds available. We need your support to complete the project. It includes cost of furnishing, fixtures and equipment for prolonged inpatient video-EEG monitoring and observational units for difficult to control seizures along with research cell and a digital library. For details please contact us via email or phone.